Tracing dad online

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Alison Motluk, “Tracing dad online,” Portail documentaire EnJeu[x], consulté le 12 mars 2025,

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Statut du documentPublic
TitreTracing dad online
CréateurAlison Motluk
Datenovembre 5, 2005
TypeJournal Article
AuthorAlison Motluk
Type de contenuJournal Article
Abstract NoteThe article reports that a 15-year-old boy rubbed a swab along the inside of his cheek, popped it into a vial and sent it off to an online genealogy DNA-testing service. His mother had conceived using donor sperm and he wanted to track down his genetic father. The teenager tracked down his father from his Y chromosome. The Y is passed from father to son virtually unchanged, like a surname. Though his donor had been anonymous, his mother had been told the man's date and place of birth and his college degree. Using another online service,, he purchased the names of everyone that had been born in the same place on the same day.
Datenovembre 5, 2005
Journal AbbreviationNew Scientist
Library CatalogEBSCOhost
Publication TitleNew Scientist
TitreTracing dad online
Attachment TitleEBSCO Record
Attachment URL[No URL]

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