Genealogy an information need we can't meet?

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Jon Webster, “Genealogy an information need we can't meet?,” Portail documentaire EnJeu[x], consulté le 12 mars 2025,

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TitreGenealogy an information need we can't meet?
CréateurJon Webster
Dateavril 2005
TypeJournal Article
AuthorJon Webster
Type de contenuJournal Article
Abstract NoteThis article argues that British librarians need training in an academic environment to meet genealogical research enquiries. To many people family history seems more personally relevant than most other types of research, linking them as an individual to other individuals through time and even to markedly different places and trades. There is a bewildering variety of courses available for members of the public interested in their family history. Larger city libraries sometimes employ a genealogist to assist with family history enquiries. For instance, Hull Central Library retains the services of a genealogist who provides courses as part of the city council's policy for lifelong learning. However, these courses are usually held in larger urban centres, too far away for many in rural areas to contemplate. People may feel intimidated attending a course at a large library or in a city or town they do not know. They may even just be worried that not possessing a computer or not having ever used one creates an insurmountable obstacle to genealogical research. The officers at Scarborough Library and Information Centre decided that some of the public misconceptions surrounding genealogical research could be tackled at the local level by developing a range of family history taster sessions for the public.
Dateavril 2005
Journal AbbreviationLibrary & Information Update
Library CatalogEBSCOhost
Publication TitleLibrary & Information Update
TitreGenealogy an information need we can't meet?
Attachment TitleEBSCO Record
Attachment URL[No URL]

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