Genealogy as theatre of self-identity: a study of genealogy as a cultural practice within Britain since c. 1850


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Hannah Mary Little, “Genealogy as theatre of self-identity: a study of genealogy as a cultural practice within Britain since c. 1850,” Portail documentaire EnJeu[x], consulté le 15 mars 2025,

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Statut du documentPublic
TitreGenealogy as theatre of self-identity: a study of genealogy as a cultural practice within Britain since c. 1850
CréateurHannah Mary Little
AuthorHannah Mary Little
Type de contenuThesis
Access Date2015-07-08 09:24:01
Library CatalogGoogle Scholar
Short TitleGenealogy as theatre of self-identity
TitreGenealogy as theatre of self-identity: a study of genealogy as a cultural practice within Britain since c. 1850
UniversityUniversity of Glasgow
Attachment TitleTitle Page - 2009little1phd.pdf
Attachment URL[No URL]

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