Genetic kinship


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Catherine Nash, “Genetic kinship,” Portail documentaire EnJeu[x], consulté le 13 mars 2025,

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Statut du documentPublic
TitreGenetic kinship
CréateurCatherine Nash
TypeJournal Article
AuthorCatherine Nash
Type de contenuJournal Article
Abstract NoteThe recent marketing of new genetic tests for popular genealogy is one significant interface between the science of new genetics and public culture in the West. These new commodities offer to situate individuals within global patterns of human genetic diversity, locate genetic origins and sort out true biological relatedness from practised kinship. Taking two cases of recent attempts to popularize genetic tests in popular genealogy, this paper considers how ideas of gender, reproduction, nation, ‘race’ and relatedness are being shaped by and deployed within their discourses of genetic kinship. In these efforts to geneticize genealogy, the idiom of kinship and the gendering of narratives of reproduction and descent are used to make these tests meaningful and to distance them from ideas of ‘race’ and ethnicity. Discourses of family relatedness provide a grammar for translating the complexities of new genetics into public culture. At the same time, geneticized genealogy produces new versions of genetic kinship, in the form of Y-chromosome genetic brotherhood, Mitochondrial DNA clan membership and global genetic kinship. Yet, notions of genetic kinship also provide cultural resources for the making of personal and collective identities in a myriad of ways and with diverse implications for the politics of ‘race’ and national belonging.
Access Date2015-06-26 12:30:32
Publication TitleGenetic kinship - Cultural Studies - Volume 18, Issue 1
SeriesCultural Studies
TitreGenetic kinship
Attachment TitleGenetic kinship - Cultural Studies - Volume 18, Issue 1
Attachment URL[No URL]

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