The next generation of genealogy sites

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Emily Steel, “The next generation of genealogy sites,” Portail documentaire EnJeu[x], consulté le 13 mars 2025,

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Statut du documentPublic
TitreThe next generation of genealogy sites
CréateurEmily Steel
Datefévrier 15, 2007
TypeJournal Article
AuthorEmily Steel
Type de contenuJournal Article
Abstract NoteThe article focuses on several changes which have been made to several genealogy websites including and in an effort to improve the process involved in constructing a family tree. Geni has allowed to enter their own information, build profiles and invite family members to collaborate. Ancestry is adding free services that allow users to build trees and add relatives' photographs and stories.
Datefévrier 15, 2007
Journal AbbreviationWall Street Journal - Eastern Edition
Library CatalogEBSCOhost
Publication TitleWall Street Journal - Eastern Edition
TitreThe next generation of genealogy sites
Attachment TitleEBSCO Record
Attachment URL[No URL]

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