Genealogy and the Web: fruitful research

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John Lescher, “Genealogy and the Web: fruitful research,” Portail documentaire EnJeu[x], consulté le 18 février 2025,

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Statut du documentPublic
TitreGenealogy and the Web: fruitful research
CréateurJohn Lescher
Dateavril 2002
TypeJournal Article
AuthorJohn Lescher
Type de contenuJournal Article
Abstract NoteThe problem with using the Internet for genealogy research is dealing with the large number of sites associated with genealogy: more than 8 million, according to Presents a highly-selective annotated bibliography of the very best sites, describes how to use them, and discusses the problems in using the information found.
Dateavril 2002
Journal AbbreviationCyberskeptics Guide to Internet Research
Library CatalogEBSCOhost
Publication TitleCyberskeptics Guide to Internet Research
Short TitleGenealogy and the Web
TitreGenealogy and the Web: fruitful research
Attachment TitleEBSCO Record
Attachment TitleEBSCO Record
Attachment URL[No URL]
Attachment URL[No URL]

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