More Than Eighty Years of Genealogical Excellence: The American Genealogist

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Scott C. Steward, “More Than Eighty Years of Genealogical Excellence: The American Genealogist,” Portail documentaire EnJeu[x], consulté le 12 mars 2025,

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Statut du documentPublic
TitreMore Than Eighty Years of Genealogical Excellence: The American Genealogist
CréateurScott C. Steward
DateSpring 2009
TypeJournal Article
AuthorScott C. Steward
Type de contenuJournal Article
Abstract NoteThe article focuses on the history of the journal "The American Genealogist" (TGA). The journal was started under the name "New Haven Genealogical Magazine" in 1922 and its first editor was Donald Lines Jacobus who served till 1965. In 1932, the name of the magazine was changed to "The American Genealogist and New Haven Genealogical Magazine." Jacobus was succeeded by several editors including George Englert McCracken, Robert Moody Sherman and Ruth Ann Wilder Sherman, and David L. Greene.
DateSpring 2009
Journal AbbreviationNew England Ancestors
Library CatalogEBSCOhost
Publication TitleNew England Ancestors
Short TitleMore Than Eighty Years of Genealogical Excellence
TitreMore Than Eighty Years of Genealogical Excellence: The American Genealogist
Attachment TitleEBSCO Record
Attachment URL[No URL]

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